Gray's Atlas of Anatomy: Vogl, Mitchell, Tibbitts Cena: 72€

Gray's Atlas of Anatomy: Vogl, Mitchell, Tibbitts Cena: 72€


  • Learn anatomy in a logical fashion by following an approach that in many cases progresses from a superficial to a deep orientation in logical progression.
  • Identify at a glance the various anatomical structures of the body and better understand their relationships to each other with the visual guidance of 1395 exquisitely illustrated anatomical figures.
  • Visualize the clinical correlation between exterior and interior anatomy thanks to 85 surface anatomy photographs overlaid with anatomical drawings — more surface anatomy photographs than you will find in any other anatomy atlas!
  • Recognize anatomical structures as they present in practice through 272 clinical images — including laparoscopic, radiologic, surgical, ophthalmoscopic, otoscopic, and other clinical views — placed adjacent to anatomic artwork for side-by-side comparison.
  • Use additional online tools with bonus access to with your purchase.